Olla Ramlan Leave Alcohol and the World Tonigh
Since the households hit by the issue of divorce, the presenter Strikes Olla Ramlan began thoughtfully. Banjarmasin origin of this beautiful woman had set herself. A number of habit he had left behind. The mother of Sean Michael Alexander admits he is now getting closer to God.

What kind of religious story Olla Ramlan. He divided exclusively to Yahoo! Indonesia OMG recently:

Y!: What life lessons acquired during the marriage Olla get trials?

Olla: I started to organize themselves. A lot of introspection. Maybe I'm not grateful to God. Imbued with handsome husband, a great and smart. Husband who helped me, I direct a lot. Having a child is cute and smart.

I am now getting closer to God.

Y!: Add religiously dong Olla?

Olla: I began diligently praying night, beg forgiveness and ask for guidance to God. I also began to appreciate my life today. I've also no longer the last six months of drinking alcohol are also away from the world tonight (smile).

I'm sure God care about me, so given a trial like this. The period does God give to the people of his ordeal without cause? So now I try to better interpret life more wisely (smile).


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