Video Mesum Ariel - Dance Will Play in Session
Ariel porn videos and Cut Tari will reportedly be played back when Cut Tari was a witness in court cases of the circulation of pornographic video with Ariel suspects. In response, Cut Tari was asked to prepare mentally well.
Ariel porn videos and Cut Tari will reportedly be played back when Cut Tari was a witness in court cases of the circulation of pornographic video with Ariel suspects. In response, Cut Tari was asked to prepare mentally well.
"Interestingly, later, usually later the prosecutor again it will open the video in court. So mentally Cut Tari must be prepared to be asked again, that anyone in the video," said attorney Dance, Hotman Paris told reporters at his office in Summitmas Building, Jl General Sudirman, Jakarta, Thursday (9 / 12) night.
Cut Tari themselves when touched on the possibility of playing back video that would recognize lazy to see the video again. According to him, it had made him ashamed.
"This how I want to distribute, see (video porn) I just lazy. Left at Police Headquarters, I personally ngeliatnya lazy and embarrassed everyone to see. So for me all the (somewhat cry)," Dance said.
"Rice's done is done, yes, so it must be faced," added Hotman.
Cut Tari planned it will be a witness in a hearing with the defendant Ariel. Was already preparing himself mentally if you later have to meet with Ariel.
"I really, yes we are here to prepare my legal team, has prepared me mentally to be a witness. Because here I confess, and admit I was a lot of cons say if I opened my own disgrace. But here I do not want to open a disgrace itself. Who would want to open his own disgrace, I just learned to admit my own mistakes, and admit my actions, "he said. (MPA / ADT / bun)


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