VIVAnews - Nazriel Ilham, which is famous by the name of Ariel "Peterpan", demanded the punishment of five years in prison. The demand was read by the Public Prosecutor, in a trial in the District Court of Bandung, which was held today, January 6, 2010. In addition to required 5 years, Luna Maya's lover, is also required to pay a fine of Rp 250 million subsidiary of 3 months in prison. Public Prosecutor, Rusmanto, asserted that the demands of 5 years in prison that is in conformity with the descriptions of witnesses who gave testimony at trial.
It is burdensome Ariel in the trial, continued Rusmanto, is that Ariel does not recognize and regret his actions. Moreover, he continued, the video has spread widely on the Internet making it easier for citizens to access and view directly allegedly committed intimate scenes with Luna Maya and Ariel Dance Cut it. Rusmanto Prosecutors also asked the panel of judges for vocalists 'Peter' is still detained.
The prosecution, lead singer 'Peter' was snared layered article. Namely, the Law number 44 year 2008 about pornography, and article 282 of the Criminal Code concerning pornography. Answering the 5 years, one of Ariel's attorney, Afrian Bonjol, stating that the prosecutor was not unreasonable demands. "The claim is not based on evidence, pepesan just nonsense," he said after the hearing.
According to Boy, testimonies of witnesses presented so far nothing incriminating his client was.
In the next trial, penngacara Ariel was promised to break all the demands of prosecutors. "Of course we will break, because it demands very unfair," he asserted. Report: DHR - Bandung
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