Exlusive Curhat Miller: Got To Be Witness Case Aru
Miller had no idea she would be dragged so far in the case of defection Arumi. Instead he had been summoned by police to give testimony. "I happened to witness, to the consolidated Arumi to his mama at Polda Metro Jaya. I give testimony or speak the truth as I know. Especially when the incident in Singapore, as well as exploitation by his mama,"
Jakarta-C & R/OMG- Miller had no idea she would be dragged so far in the case of defection Arumi. Instead he had been summoned by police to give testimony. "I happened to witness, to the consolidated Arumi to his mama at Polda Metro Jaya. I give testimony or speak the truth as I know. Especially when the incident in Singapore, as well as exploitation by his mama," said Miller during visit at Graha Checks & Ricek, Meruya Ilir, West Jakarta, on Friday (18/03/2011) afternoon.

Miller Recognized Arumi indeed often confide to him. "He must be according to her parents. He felt as indoctrinated by his parents. So her mind is, he must always think in the elderly. Whatever dimau by her parents. Although it is not true, according to his mama must Arumi," he said.

Arumi, continued Miller, admitted to shooting from morning tired undergo met in the morning. All jobs all bids received. Paid whatever is received. Importation of all of Arumi. School, eat and buy any car from Arumi. "Arumi indeed become the backbone of the family. It lasted since the beginning of a career Arumi. I know, daddy does not work. Because Arumi good career, so dimanfaatin by them. That is the vent Arumi since we were close, circa 2009," he said. (Edy Suherli) To be continued


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