Jika Ingkar Janji, Ayu Azhari Tetap Disomasi
JAKARTA - Ayu Azhari Ayu Azhari with the children from her first husband, Axel, and children from second husband, Sean Azad Taito Azhari had found common ground on all three issues. However, if the sister of Rahma Azhari had not kept his promise, will subpoena him to walk.
Sean's lawyer Azad Taito Azhari, Dwi Ria Latifa SH said that all three cases have been resolved peacefully.
"To sean is not too tough, because the mother directly Ayu Leave it to me. For Axel, also directly toll, if there are conditions that baseball was a technical problem I can handle. Issues legacy issues, I want baseball to intervene because Axel has had his own lawyer and there is a code of ethics. Basically, Sean and Axel has been completed, is deposited until he left for Finland, "said Dwi Ria Latifa SH at his residence, Jl Ki S Mangunsarkoro No. 4, Menteng, Central Jakarta on Friday (12/10/2010) .
One Step has been exceeded, connect Ria. He said, the woman of Arab origin was confirmed if he will take care of their own legal issues relating to children.
"He wanted direct contact with me. Trying maximum fine to resolve the problem child," said Ria.
So, if Ayu to break her promise?
"Wait for next week. Not implemented, the content remains valid subpoena," he concluded.
As reported earlier, cases involving children Ayu Azhari's got common ground. Where children Ayu, Solomon Atiq choose to stay at home lawyer Dwi Ria Latifa SH until his mother picked up on Sunday (12/12).
While Sean was agreed should move to Finland, with the requirement will be done first check whether the passport is on Ayu or not.
Then Axel allowed into Finland, but not funded either by Ayu and Mr Teemu. Even so Axel sure, he had no problem not financed, provided that their inheritance cases should be resolved first.
Meanwhile, Mary chose to stay in Jakarta and will be the mole at Pesantren Assidikyah, KH Nur Muhammad Iskandar. Mary agreed, the home picked up every weekend, waiting for the January school in the near post Pengumben JIPS. He also asked for confirmation to his mother to be picked up every weekend.


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